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GIA StaffOlder Americans Act Reauthorization Campaign Progress Report - January 2025
This report highlights key activities and takeaways and previews future programming around the OAA Reauthorization campaign.
Guiding Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts
Through key informant interviews, focus groups, and a two-day leadership summit GIA distilled best practices in sustainable age-friendly communities work that resulted in the framework presented in this document.
Multisector Plans for Aging: Important Roles and Opportunities for Funders
Learn the fundamentals of the Multisector Plans for Aging movement and see how funders can and should get involved to help advance this essential work.
Five Ways Congress Can Strengthen the Older Americans Act, and What Philanthropy Can Do
A fact sheet outlines how congress and philanthropy can work together to strengthen the Older Americans Act to better meet the social needs that COVID-19 revealed and match funding levels to the growth of the older population and the true cost of aging in America.
Moving Ahead Together: A Framework for Integrating HIV/AIDS and Aging Services
Part of Grantmakers In Aging’s Moving Ahead Together initiative, supported by Gilead Sciences, this document offers a detailed framework of recommendations for strengthening the integration of HIV and aging care and services through increased understanding, more customized programs, closer cross-sector connection, and stronger policymaking. Three main sections. Focus Area #1: Complexities and Challenges, explores the broader social context, including stigma. Focus Area #2: Integrating and Improving Care and Services, emphasizes the need for whole-person care and examines medical care, mental and behavioral health care, and social and psychosocial support. Focus Area #3: The Way Forward, looks at policy and how to update it to reflect the graying of HIV.
Innovation at Home Funders Guide
This report from Grantmakers In Aging, seeks to capture a range of promising approaches to aging in community being used globally.
Philanthropic Priorities for the OAA
GIA's response to the Request for Information from the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions.
Creating New Connections: How Philanthropy Can Support Better Care for People with Complex Health and Social Needs
This report summarizes key issues relevant to understanding complex care and offers resources and case studies for funders interested in entering the field or deepening their existing work. It also profiles funding opportunities, explores existing models, and shares philanthropic lessons learned.
Lindsay Goldman Honored for Service
CEO Lindsay Goldman was honored as one of The Responsible 100 by City & State New York, recognizing New Yorkers who are quietly toiling to create a better world for others.
Affordable Housing Issue Brief
A significant number of older adults are economically challenged. In 2010, more than a third of all seniors had annual incomes below 20% of the national poverty level ($20,916).
GIA Members Forge Multisector Partnerships for Collaborative Aging Initiatives
Inside Philanthropy spotlight on initiatives backed by GIA and funders working together to make places and policy more age friendly.