Multisector Plans for Aging serve as blueprints for action on aging. MPAs (which some states call by other names, such as “master plans” or “action plans”) are cross-sector, state-led strategic planning resources that can help states transform the infrastructure and coordination of services for their rapidly aging populations.
Multisector Plans are rapidly gaining momentum. Through Multisector Plans, funders can support improvements to the built environment, civic engagement and social participation, mobility and transportation, housing, healthcare and social services. More than half of states are currently working on a plan, with many GIA members playing a pivotal role.
Multisector Plans for Aging Funders Community
The Multisector Plans for Aging Funders Community, launched in 2022, provides a forum for funders who are exploring, initiating, or implementing state, regional, or local Multisector Plans for Aging to share information, strategies, and solutions.
GIA and Members Discuss National Plan on Aging with Next Avenue
"U.S. Finally Has a Plan on Aging: Will We Use It?" Find out what experts on aging think of the new strategic plan and its chances of becoming a reality.
Multisector Plans for Aging: Important Roles and Opportunities for Funders
This report examines the fundamentals of the MPA movement and discusses how funders can and should get involved. Download the report.