Multisector Plans for Aging
Welcome to our Funders Community

The Multisector Plans for Aging Funders Community, launched in 2022, provides a forum for funders who are exploring, initiating, or implementing state, regional, or local Multisector Plans on Aging to share information, strategies, and solutions. 

Multisector Plans women looking at map

Steering Committee

Amy Herr, West Health 
Erin Westphal, The SCAN Foundation 
Julia Stoumbos, Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation 
Nora OBrien-Suric, Health Foundation for Western and Central New York 

Multisector Plans for Aging (MPA) serve as blueprints for action on aging across sectors and government agencies. MPAs (which some states call by other names, such as "master plans" or "action plans") help to break down administrative and operational silos, mobilize and align a wide array of funding sources, and track the impact. More than half of states are currently working on Multisector Plans. 

Find out about key stakeholders, strategies, and benefits of implementing an MPA

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For Funders Interested in Supporting an MPA

Multisector Plans for Aging: Important Roles and Opportunities for Funders examines the fundamentals of the MPA  movement and how funders can and should get involved. Download the guide.

Multisector Plans for Aging cover

Interested in participating?

If you are a member of this Funders Community, please make sure to log in and access restricted content. If you have questions or are interested in joining, contact GIA staff.

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Thank You to Our Sponsors

West Health
Health Foundation for Western & Central New York
The Henry & Maryilyn Taub Foundation
The SCAN Foundation