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GIA StaffImpact Investing An Introduction for Funders
This guide is intended to give GIA members and other funders an understanding of impact investing — specifically within the philanthropic context — by defining key terms and sharing examples of how it is already being used.
GIA's Guide to Impact Investing: A Tool for Accelerating Healthy Aging for All in Livable Communities
This guide takes a deep dive into the topic of impact investing and highlights funders across the GIA network and beyond who are leveraging impact investments to create healthier, more age-integrated communities.
Innovation at Home Funders Guide
This report from Grantmakers In Aging, seeks to capture a range of promising approaches to aging in community being used globally.
Affordable Housing Issue Brief
A significant number of older adults are economically challenged. In 2010, more than a third of all seniors had annual incomes below 20% of the national poverty level ($20,916).
GIA Members Pool Funds to Increase PACE Programs
“We bring different perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. Together, those act as a force multiplier,” said Rani Snyder, vice president, program, at JAHF. “The partnership is an important part. It’s not just about the money.”