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GIA StaffHeartache, Pain, and Hope: Rural Communities, Older People and the Opioid Crisis
This guide examines the crisis caused by opioids in rural communities, particularly the impact on the lives of many older individuals, potential solutions, and initiatives that governments, communities and funders are implementing.
Affordable Housing Issue Brief
A significant number of older adults are economically challenged. In 2010, more than a third of all seniors had annual incomes below 20% of the national poverty level ($20,916).
Spotlight on the Reframing Aging Initiative
In a much-cited stat from the 2020 census, 10,000 Americans turn 65 every single day. And yet, policymakers are surprisingly sluggish about taking action to support Americans as they age. The Reframing Aging Initiative (RAI), currently housed at the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), began in 2012 when leaders of 10 national organizations, including GSA, AARP, Grantmakers in Aging, the American Federation for Aging Research, and the National Hispanic Council on Aging, among others, got together to find out why.
CEO Lindsay Goldman featured on Nashville Public Television
Grantmakers In Aging CEO Lindsay Goldman addresses the interrelated health and financial challenges faced by women in later life and the structural and systemic changes required for racial equity and gender equity.
GIA Members Pool Funds to Increase PACE Programs
“We bring different perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. Together, those act as a force multiplier,” said Rani Snyder, vice president, program, at JAHF. “The partnership is an important part. It’s not just about the money.”
Lindsay Goldman GIA CEO co-authors Clinical Gerontologist Commentary
Writing with co-author Latrice Vinson, PHD MPH, a geropsychologist who directs the Aging Portfolio for the American Psychological Association, GIA CEO Lindsay Goldman publishes an invited Commentary in Clinical Gerontologist journal.
GIA and Grantmakers In Health Announce Partnership to Support the 2024 Reauthorization of the Older Americans Act
GIA and Grantmakers In Health (GIH) are pleased to announce a new collaboration aimed at mobilizing funders in support of the 2024 reauthorization of the Older Americans Act (OAA).