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GIA StaffImpact Investing An Introduction for Funders
This guide is intended to give GIA members and other funders an understanding of impact investing — specifically within the philanthropic context — by defining key terms and sharing examples of how it is already being used.
Creating New Connections: How Philanthropy Can Support Better Care for People with Complex Health and Social Needs
This report summarizes key issues relevant to understanding complex care and offers resources and case studies for funders interested in entering the field or deepening their existing work. It also profiles funding opportunities, explores existing models, and shares philanthropic lessons learned.
GIA Members Forge Multisector Partnerships for Collaborative Aging Initiatives
Inside Philanthropy spotlight on initiatives backed by GIA and funders working together to make places and policy more age friendly.
GIA Members Pool Funds to Increase PACE Programs
“We bring different perspectives, knowledge, and experiences. Together, those act as a force multiplier,” said Rani Snyder, vice president, program, at JAHF. “The partnership is an important part. It’s not just about the money.”