Better with Age Guide: Digital Sharing Kit
Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) offers this digital sharing kit to accompany our new publication, Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society.
Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society
Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society reviews the landscape of funding in aging and presents opportunities for funders to increase their impact by considering how aging intersects with their investments.
Care is Fundamental: How Funders Can Accelerate Vital Progress on Caregiving
This guide outlines the wide range of grant-funded efforts to support both family caregivers and the paid direct care workforce, opportunities for funders to get involved, and other sectors also now focusing on caregiving.
National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers Action Guide for Philanthropy
Actionable ideas for philanthropy to fuel efforts to recognize, assist, include, support, and engage family caregivers.
GIA's Guide to Impact Investing: A Tool for Accelerating Healthy Aging for All in Livable Communities
This guide takes a deep dive into the topic of impact investing and highlights funders across the GIA network and beyond who are leveraging impact investments to create healthier, more age-integrated communities.
Multisector Plans for Aging: Important Roles and Opportunities for Funders
Learn the fundamentals of the Multisector Plans for Aging movement and see how funders can and should get involved to help advance this essential work.
Impact Investing An Introduction for Funders
This guide is intended to give GIA members and other funders an understanding of impact investing — specifically within the philanthropic context — by defining key terms and sharing examples of how it is already being used.
Guide to Telling a More Complete Story of Aging
Communication Best Practices: Reframing Aging Initiative Guide to Telling a More Complete Story of Aging offers valuable recommendations and research-based rationales when crafting presentations, press releases, academic papers, letters to the editor, websites, publications, consumer materials, speeches, and other communications.
Creating New Connections: How Philanthropy Can Support Better Care for People with Complex Health and Social Needs
This report summarizes key issues relevant to understanding complex care and offers resources and case studies for funders interested in entering the field or deepening their existing work. It also profiles funding opportunities, explores existing models, and shares philanthropic lessons learned.
Innovation at Home Funders Guide
This report from Grantmakers In Aging, seeks to capture a range of promising approaches to aging in community being used globally.
Aging Positively: Bringing HIV/AIDS into the Aging Services Mainstream: An Introduction for Funders
Our 2019 funding guide, Aging Positively: Bringing HIV/AIDS into the Aging Services Mainstream: An Introduction for Funders, highlights the diverse experiences of older people living with HIV/AIDS and offers actionable ideas for philanthropies of all kinds to improve care and quality of life.
Honoring the Denver Principles and MIPA (Meaningful Involvement of People with HIV/AIDS), GIA also recorded a series of interviews with older people living with HIV/AIDS and produced the following videos reflecting on their lived experience.
Heartache, Pain, and Hope: Rural Communities, Older People and the Opioid Crisis
This guide examines the crisis caused by opioids in rural communities, particularly the impact on the lives of many older individuals, potential solutions, and initiatives that governments, communities and funders are implementing.
Guiding Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts
Through key informant interviews, focus groups, and a two-day leadership summit GIA distilled best practices in sustainable age-friendly communities work that resulted in the framework presented in this document.
Community Agenda: Talking About Age-Friendly Communities
Learn how to create more effective messages or talking points, develop printed materials, and frame public communications campaigns.
Age-Friendly Communities: A Blueprint for Success
View ways to make your community more age-friendly with this infographic.