The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association, is described as the most influential tech event in the world. Several GIA members and CEO Lindsay Goldman attended the show this month at the invitation of Steve Ewell, Executive Director of the Consumer Technology Association Foundation and former GIA Board Member.
Join our Meetup to hear members discuss their experiences at the CES show. Hear their reflections on emerging tech solutions from new start-ups to the largest global brands and engage in a larger conversation around actionable ways philanthropy can leverage technology to improve the experience of aging.
The Consumer Electronics Show (CES), the annual trade show organized by the Consumer Technology Association, is described as the most influential tech event in the world. Several GIA members and CEO Lindsay Goldman attended the show this month at the invitation of Steve Ewell, Executive Director of the Consumer Technology Association Foundation and former GIA Board Member.
Join our Meetup to hear members discuss their experiences at the CES show. Hear their reflections on emerging tech solutions from new start-ups to the largest global brands and engage in a larger conversation around actionable ways philanthropy can leverage technology to improve the experience of aging.