The Case for Age-Friendly Communities
Explore the economic, social, and personal benefits of making a community more age-friendly.
Age-Friendly Communities
Age-Friendly Communities: The Movement to Create Great Places to Grow Up and Grow Old in America
Explore new, transformative ways of thinking about aging and community development.
Age-Friendly Communities
Guiding Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts
Through key informant interviews, focus groups, and a two-day leadership summit GIA distilled best practices in sustainable age-friendly communities work that resulted in the framework presented in this document.
Community Agenda: Talking About Age-Friendly Communities
Learn how to create more effective messages or talking points, develop printed materials, and frame public communications campaigns.
Age-Friendly Communities
Age-Friendly Communities: A Blueprint for Success
View ways to make your community more age-friendly with this infographic.
Age-Friendly Communities