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GIA StaffBetter with Age Guide: Digital Sharing Kit
Grantmakers In Aging (GIA) offers this digital sharing kit to accompany our new publication, Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society.
Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society
Better with Age: A Guide to Funding in a Longevity Society reviews the landscape of funding in aging and presents opportunities for funders to increase their impact by considering how aging intersects with their investments.
Innovation at Home Funders Guide
This report from Grantmakers In Aging, seeks to capture a range of promising approaches to aging in community being used globally.
Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role of Innovation
This funding guide offers grantmaking recommendations to help funders become engaged in rural mobility and suggests a dynamic research and policy agenda to empower older people in rural places to lead fuller lives.
The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults
The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults is a companion white paper to GIA’s Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role for Innovation. The paper examines rural mobility through a lens of technology and across a longer timeframe.