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GIA StaffAn Introduction to Grantmakers in Rural Aging
New Frontiers for Funding provides guidance specifically for grantmakers supporting rural areas and how working on rural aging issues can increase the impact of many different kinds of philanthropies.
Innovation and Hope: Building Momentum to Address Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias Series
Innovation and Hope is a four-part webinar series and partnership between Grantmakers In Aging and the Helen Daniels Bader Alzheimer's & Healthy Aging Speaker Series
Care is Fundamental: How Funders Can Accelerate Vital Progress on Caregiving
This guide outlines the wide range of grant-funded efforts to support both family caregivers and the paid direct care workforce, opportunities for funders to get involved, and other sectors also now focusing on caregiving.
National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers Action Guide for Philanthropy
Actionable ideas for philanthropy to fuel efforts to recognize, assist, include, support, and engage family caregivers.
Creating New Connections: How Philanthropy Can Support Better Care for People with Complex Health and Social Needs
This report summarizes key issues relevant to understanding complex care and offers resources and case studies for funders interested in entering the field or deepening their existing work. It also profiles funding opportunities, explores existing models, and shares philanthropic lessons learned.
Blind Spot: Mobility and Aging in Rural America
This report examines the mobility challenges that confront older people in rural communities across America and profiles some of the programs that exist to support them.
Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role of Innovation
This funding guide offers grantmaking recommendations to help funders become engaged in rural mobility and suggests a dynamic research and policy agenda to empower older people in rural places to lead fuller lives.
The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults
The Future of Rural Transportation and Mobility for Older Adults is a companion white paper to GIA’s Mobility & Aging in Rural America: The Role for Innovation. The paper examines rural mobility through a lens of technology and across a longer timeframe.
Heartache, Pain, and Hope: Rural Communities, Older People and the Opioid Crisis
This guide examines the crisis caused by opioids in rural communities, particularly the impact on the lives of many older individuals, potential solutions, and initiatives that governments, communities and funders are implementing.