Multisector Plans for Aging: Important Roles and Opportunities for Funders
Learn the fundamentals of the Multisector Plans for Aging movement and see how funders can and should get involved to help advance this essential work.
Multisector Plans for Aging
Guide & Toolkit
Creating New Connections: How Philanthropy Can Support Better Care for People with Complex Health and Social Needs
This report summarizes key issues relevant to understanding complex care and offers resources and case studies for funders interested in entering the field or deepening their existing work. It also profiles funding opportunities, explores existing models, and shares philanthropic lessons learned.
Guide & Toolkit
Guiding Principles for the Sustainability of Age-Friendly Community Efforts
Through key informant interviews, focus groups, and a two-day leadership summit GIA distilled best practices in sustainable age-friendly communities work that resulted in the framework presented in this document.
Guide & Toolkit